I started writing this Alien Fan Fiction (I am a huge Alien fan) back in the early 1990s. I have been updating it. The premise of the story is what if Aliens, Colonial Marines, and the 19th century were to meet?

RECAP [“I am placing you totally in charge of the campaign, Captain Stall,”
“Thank you, Sir,” Stall salutes, “I will ready my men.”]

Page 19

The winter wind moves over the outpost, sending chills up every soldier assigned to his post. The sound of the wilderness is the only entertainment the soldiers have to enjoy; and the stars above the only light.

          “Sir,” Private First Class Mitchel reports, saluting his commander.

          “Yes, Private?” Captain Kilroy replies.

          “The reconnaissance team hasn’t reported back, and it’s been two hours since they left the outpost.”

          “Notify Lt. Thomas that the camp is going on full alert,” The captain tells him.

          “Yes Captain,” the man salutes and quickly turns to locate Lt. Thomas.

          Suddenly a horrific scream escapes the innards of the dark wilderness.  The sound of improbable pain awakens the sentries from their light slumbers.

          One of the sentries yells out from on top of his lookout, “Its Gilmore! He’s running away from something!”

          Gilmore’s eyes are full of fear.  Blood is splattered all over his body, his clothing torn to shreds.

          With what little energy Gilmore still seems to possess, the man hollers out of his comrades of the eminent danger that is about to befall them all.

          “The serpents are coming!” The man screams.

          The soldiers in the camp ready their guns, aiming them at the dark woods behind the panicky Gilmore.           And then the first hoard of serpents, ripping their way through the heavy umbrage of the woods, appear.  Gilmore spins around and falls on his back. Within seconds his body is overrun by aliens and quickly torn apart.  Body parts are flinging everywhere as blood explodes all around.  From the fort, muskets begin to

to be continued….

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